

Venue Records

NOT OFFICIAL RECORDS. These stats are according to our database.

Meets Held Here

Date Meet
2024-04-07 LAT Nitrogen Halbmarathon & Generali 5K
2024-04-07 Oberbank Linz Donau Marathon
2023-04-16 Oberbank Linz Donau Marathon
2023-02-01 int. GUGL-Meeting Indoor
2022-09-17 Austrian CE Championships
2020-02-08 Gugl Indoor Meeting
2019-04-14 Borealis Linz Donau Marathon
2018-04-15 Linz Marathon
2018-02-10 Gugl Indoor
2016-02-12 Gugl Indoor
2015-02-21 National Indoor Championships
2015-02-07 gugl indoor
2015-02-07 Linz
2015-02-07 Slovenian National Indoor Championships
2014-07-14 Gugl Games
2014-02-22 National Indoor Championships
2014-02-01 Linz
2014-01-30 Linz Gugl Indoor Meeting
2014-01-25 Linz
2013-08-26 Gugl Games
2013-01-31 Linz Gugl Indoor Meeting
2012-08-20 Gugl Games
2007-09-11 Intersport Gugl Meeting
2006-08-22 Intersport Gugl- Meeting
2002-08-19 Raiffeisen Gugl - Meeting Linz
2001-08-20 Raiffeisen Gugl - Meeting Linz
2000-08-08 Raiffeisen Gugl - Meeting Linz
1999-07-26 Zipfer Gugl Grand Prix - Meeting Linz
1998-07-05 IAAF Zipfer Gugl Grand Prix

XC Course Rating

The higher the number the more difficult the course statistically.

Conversion Table
15:00 21:00
16:00 22:00
17:00 23:00
18:00 24:00
19:00 25:00
20:00 26:00